Turnip 您所在的位置:网站首页 planted a turnip Turnip


2023-12-03 22:02| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Turnip A root vegetable. Slightly spicy. Information Type Vegetable Season Spring Seed Turnip seedsTurnip seeds Turnip seeds (15CoinCoin × 15) Growth time 4 days Wild seeds Yes Unlock require­ments Town rank F Sell prices Base BronzeBronze SilverSilver GoldGold OsmiumOsmium 40 46 52 60 80 Restores Base BronzeBronze SilverSilver GoldGold OsmiumOsmium HealthHealth 31EnergyEnergy 33 HealthHealth 36EnergyEnergy 38 HealthHealth 39EnergyEnergy 41 HealthHealth 47EnergyEnergy 50 HealthHealth 62EnergyEnergy 66 Turnip is a vegetable crop that grows from turnip seeds after 4 days. Wild seeds planted in Spring have a chance of turning into turnip seeds.

Contents 1 Stages 2 Crop growth calendar 3 How to obtain 3.1 Shop availability 4 Uses 4.1 Artisan products 4.2 Gifting 4.3 Offering 4.4 Quests 4.5 Recipes 5 Navigation Stages[] Journal menuThis page is in need of information.Can you help out? Click here to add more.Unspecified reason

Turnip can be planted in Spring and takes 4 days to grow.

Stage 1 Stage 2 Stage 3 Stage 4 Stage 5 Turnip stage 1 Turnip stage 2 Turnip stage 3 Turnip stage 4 Turnip stage 5 1 day 1 day 1 day 1 day Harvest Crop growth calendar[] BaseMonTueWedThuFriSatSunTurnip stage 1Turnip stage 2Turnip stage 3Turnip stage 4Turnip stage 5Turnip stage 2Turnip stage 3Turnip stage 4Turnip stage 5Turnip stage 2Turnip stage 3Turnip stage 4Turnip stage 5Turnip stage 2Turnip stage 3Turnip stage 4Turnip stage 5Turnip stage 2Turnip stage 3Turnip stage 4Turnip stage 5Turnip stage 2Turnip stage 3Turnip stage 4Turnip stage 5Turnip stage 2Turnip stage 3Turnip stage 4 How to obtain[] Shop availability[]

Turnip seeds can be bought in these shops:

LocationPriceSeasonTown rankSam's General StoreCoinCoin × 15SpringF Uses[] Artisan products[] ProductIngredientsCraftingmediumTimeSell priceRestoresPickled turnipPickled turnip Pickled turnip × 1TurnipTurnip Turnip × 1Mason jarMason jar Mason jar6h75CoinCoin × 75HealthHealth 45EnergyEnergy 40Turnip juiceTurnip juice Turnip juice × 1TurnipTurnip Turnip × 1KegKeg Keg12h75CoinCoin × 75HealthHealth 45EnergyEnergy 40 Gifting[] Gift iconCharactersLoved gift LovedNo character loves this item.Liked gift LikedAaliyah iconAaliyah icon AaliyahEva iconEva icon EvaScott iconScott icon ScottNeutralAlice iconAlice icon AliceAnne iconAnne icon AnneAntonio iconAntonio icon AntonioArchie iconArchie icon ArchieBen iconBen icon BenBetty iconBetty icon BettyBree iconBree icon BreeChaem iconChaem icon ChaemCharles iconCharles icon CharlesChieftain iconChieftain icon ChieftainConnor iconConnor icon ConnorDinda iconDinda icon DindaDippa iconDippa icon DippaEleanor iconEleanor icon EleanorEmily iconEmily icon EmilyEmma iconEmma icon EmmaErika iconErika icon ErikaFrank iconFrank icon FrankGiu iconGiu icon GiuGong iconGong icon GongGrog iconGrog icon GrogGroo iconGroo icon GrooJack iconJack icon JackJim iconJim icon JimJoko iconJoko icon JokoJudge Ross iconJudge Ross icon Judge RossKenny iconKenny icon KennyKira iconKira icon KiraLeah iconLeah icon LeahLily iconLily icon LilyLing iconLing icon LingLuke iconLuke icon LukeMacy iconMacy icon MacyMark iconMark icon MarkMillie iconMillie icon MillieNina iconNina icon NinaNoah iconNoah icon NoahOliver iconOliver icon OliverPablo iconPablo icon PabloPaul iconPaul icon PaulRafael iconRafael icon RafaelRandy iconRandy icon RandyRatih iconRatih icon RatihSuki iconSuki icon SukiSunny iconSunny icon SunnySurya iconSurya icon SuryaTakeba iconTakeba icon TakebaTheo iconTheo icon TheoValentina iconValentina icon ValentinaWakuu iconWakuu icon WakuuWalter iconWalter icon WalterWataru iconWataru icon WataruYuri iconYuri icon YuriZarah iconZarah icon ZarahZoe iconZoe icon ZoeDisliked gift DislikedRaj iconRaj icon RajSam iconSam icon SamHated gift HatedNo character hates this item. Offering[]

1 turnip of any quality is needed for the Spring Sesajen offering in the Crop altar.


There are no quests that currently need this item.


Turnip can be used in any cooking recipe asking for any vegetable.

Navigation[] [v · d · e] CROP SEEDS, SEEDLINGS, AND SAPLINGSSpringCropsCarrotCarrot CarrotCauliflowerCauliflower CauliflowerChardChard ChardCucumberCucumber CucumberDaisyDaisy DaisyLettuceLettuce LettucePeasPeas PeasPeonyPeony PeonyPoppyPoppy PoppyPotatoPotato PotatoRadishRadish RadishSnowdropSnowdrop SnowdropSoybeanSoybean SoybeanStrawberryStrawberry StrawberrySugarcaneSugarcane SugarcaneTurnipTurnip TurnipFruit plantsAvocadoAvocado AvocadoBananaBanana BananaLycheeLychee LycheePlumPlum PlumRambutanRambutan RambutanSnake fruitSnake fruit Snake fruitFruit treesDurianDurian DurianOrangeOrange OrangeSummerCropsBell pepperBell pepper Bell pepperBlackberryBlackberry BlackberryBlueberryBlueberry BlueberryCoffee beanCoffee bean Coffee beanCornCorn CornGardeniaGardenia GardeniaHot pepperHot pepper Hot pepperIrisIris IrisLily (flower)Lily (flower) LilyMelonMelon MelonOkraOkra OkraPineapplePineapple PineappleRadishRadish RadishRed cabbageRed cabbage Red cabbageRoseRose RoseStarfruitStarfruit StarfruitSunflowerSunflower SunflowerTomatoTomato TomatoWheatWheat WheatFruit plantsBananaBanana BananaDragonfruitDragonfruit DragonfruitJackfruitJackfruit JackfruitPapayaPapaya PapayaPlumPlum PlumRambutanRambutan RambutanFruit treesMangoMango MangoPeachPeach PeachFallCropsAmaranthAmaranth AmaranthArtichokeArtichoke ArtichokeBarleyBarley BarleyBasilBasil BasilBeetBeet BeetBlue dahliaBlue dahlia Blue dahliaBok choyBok choy Bok choyCactusCactus CactusCottonCotton CottonCranberryCranberry CranberryEggplantEggplant EggplantFairy roseFairy rose Fairy roseGarlicGarlic GarlicGrapeGrape GrapeHot pepperHot pepper Hot pepperLily (flower)Lily (flower) LilyOrchidOrchid OrchidPumpkinPumpkin PumpkinRiceRice RiceSweet potatoSweet potato Sweet potatoTaro rootTaro root Taro rootWatermelonWatermelon WatermelonFruit plantsCocoa beanCocoa bean Cocoa beanDragonfruitDragonfruit DragonfruitJackfruitJackfruit JackfruitLemonLemon LemonPapayaPapaya PapayaPearPear PearFruit treesAppleApple AppleOliveOlive OliveWinterCropsCottonCotton CottonSnowdropSnowdrop SnowdropTea leafTea leaf Tea leafFruit plantsAvocadoAvocado AvocadoCocoa beanCocoa bean Cocoa beanLemonLemon LemonLycheeLychee LycheePearPear PearSnake fruitSnake fruit Snake fruitFruit treesAlmondAlmond AlmondOtherMaple • Oak • Pine • Wild seeds






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